Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Grandpa'd be proud....

The kids got Sunday donuts before mass and after mass Mom got her Iced Tall Nonfat Mocha (without whip of course! ; ) ). By the time we were close to home I was using my straw to break up the ice at the bottom in my efforts to get out the last drops of chocolate. Then I hear Beanie from the back in her little matter of fact voice, "Mama, if you take that straw out of your cup again, I am going to have to take it away from you."


Kathleen said...

That is hilarious!

South Paw said...

How did you respond? Non sequitur?:) I think my goddaughter might also take after her grandpa and ma in the professional realm as well.

Anonymous said...

I always loved hearing myself coming out of my children's mouths. Please don't stop blogging as I LOVE TO HEAR what my grandchildren are saying and doing. I could just hear the Bean's voice in this last post!! I cannot wait to see them all!!!