Monday, November 30, 2009

Tastes like chicken....

Momo is in the human vacuum cleaner stage. For being almost 8 months I think her pincher grasp is rather well developed. She teaches me exactly how gross my floors are on an hourly basis. Well this morning she looks rather proud of herself and was munching something while sitting on the floor. She shot me a big smile and I noticed some contraband in her mouth. I swept her mouth and produced a chewed up palmetto bug (no, I haven't gone soft, but you'd call it a palmetto bug instead of a roach if it was in your daughter's mouth too!). YUCK!!

Time to teach the big kids that insects count as choking hazards...they're usually pretty efficient at getting up all the other hazards!


Anonymous said...

Gross!! The joys of living in the South. I can't believe they're still getting in after monthly spraying. once I started that in Jeff City I rarely saw them again. I'll never forget when Cecelia T was visitng me from St. Louis and she thought she was picking a black button off of my white and blue couch!! It was very much alive. I can still hear the scream. Maybe playpens aren't such a bad idea girls!!

:o) mg said...

I am now itching as if someone had said "lice".

MJDMom said...

MG - don't jinx me!!!